onsdag 15. september 2010

1984 part II , part 2

I wonder if the following weekend was one of those "green" ticket set ups or if I borrowed someone's week long ticket: I do remember showing a freedom to the bus driver.

By the looks of things I covered various bits and pieces on the Portions and Carlisles but ended up behind boilered scottish syphons, at their best, with not a whisp of steam in sight. Also a pleasent little run on my own, aka pella, to Kyle behind a cosey little old 26: This may have been steaming actually, despite it beiong august and hot later in the day over Skye.

09.08.1984Weekend freedom???

11:20:00Glasgow CCarstairs86246
12:12:00CarstairsGlasgow C 86260
13:45:00Glasgow CKilmarnock26008
14:33:00KilmarnockGlasgow C 27014
16:00:00Glasgow QSEdinburgh Waverley477xx
17:08:00Edinburgh WaverleyHaymarket26003
17:33:00HaymarketGlasgow QS477xx
18:59:00Glasgow QS low levelHelensburgh Central303
20:20:00Helensburgh UpperGlasgow QS37175
21:17:00Glasgow QS low levelMotherwell via Beslhill314-303

06:xxInverness Dingwall37261
07:xxDingwallKyle-of-Loch Alsh26034

10:15:00Kylakin ArmadaleBuss
11:30:00ArmadaleMallaig«MV Pioneer»
12:20:00MallaigFt. William37026
14:15:00Ft. WilliamDumbarton Central37081

Dumbarton (dun britton) was far enough for me : I was knackered. Also this was the summer of endless heat wave and I destinctly remember being on a "wedged" mallaig train with 37106 giving a fine growling performance up to Arisaig.

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